Non-Primary caregiver flow

We are excited to launch our new company and product Ooooh. After being featured in too many magazines to mention and having created an online stir, we know that Ooooh is going to be big. You may have seen us in the Dinosaurs’ Den where we were we told that we didn’t need them because we were already doing it so well ourselves, so that’s what we have continued to do. We also hope to win Startup Fictional Business of the Year this Year. You may have seen us in the Dinosaurs’ Den where we were we told that we didn’t need them because we were already doing it so well ourselves, so that’s what we have continued to do.

Project Overview

This project focused on improving the user onboarding experience for registering a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). A major challenge was helping subscribers understand whether they qualified as the “Primary Caregiver” of the beneficiary, especially since many users believed they were the primary caregiver but did not meet the government’s specific definition. My role involved designing an intuitive flow that clarified this crucial step.

Problem Statement

A significant pain point in the onboarding process was that many subscribers were unsure if they qualified as the “Primary Caregiver” of the beneficiary. This uncertainty caused confusion and led to incomplete registrations. The goal of this project was to clarify this step in the process, providing users with the information and guidance they needed to confidently answer this question and complete their registration.

My Approach

Competitive Analysis & Research

I conducted a competitive analysis to understand how other platforms handled the definition of a primary caregiver and subscriber relationships. This research informed the design of a more user-friendly onboarding flow.

Clarifying Primary Caregiver Definition

I redesigned the onboarding flow to include clear, concise explanations of what defines a primary caregiver according to government guidelines. This ensured that users understood their role and avoided errors during registration.

Designing Scenarios for Different Subscriber Relationships

To accommodate various relationship scenarios (e.g., parents, guardians, etc.), I created detailed user flows for different subscriber types. These flows were essential for the development team to build a system that could handle multiple cases seamlessly.

User Testing

After designing the flows, I conducted user testing to ensure that users understood the primary caregiver definition and navigated the onboarding process without confusion. During the tests:

  1. I observed how users interacted with the flow.
    Collected feedback on any points of confusion.
  2. Adjusted the design based on insights, ensuring that the language, layout, and guidance were intuitive and easy to follow.

Prototyping & Development Collaboration

Using Figma, I created detailed prototypes of the onboarding flow, including the non-primary caregiver scenarios. I worked closely with the development team to ensure that the designed flows for various subscriber relationships were accurately implemented.

Challenge and Solution

Challenge: Users were unclear if they met the definition of a primary caregiver, leading to errors in the onboarding process.
Solution: I added educational prompts and explanations in the onboarding flow to clarify the government’s definition of a primary caregiver.

Challenge: Ensuring the platform supported multiple subscriber relationships in a clear and efficient way.
Solution: I designed detailed user flows for different subscriber scenarios, allowing the development team to build a flexible and accurate system.

Results & Impact

The redesigned onboarding flow significantly reduced confusion among users regarding the primary caregiver role. The detailed flows for various subscriber relationships ensured the system could handle diverse user cases, leading to smoother onboarding and fewer errors during registration.

Tools & Technologies

Figma for wireframing and prototyping
Miro for user journey mapping
Jira for development collaboration and tracking

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