Project background

This is a crypto startup, as there are no experienced UIUX designer in the team before, the user flow is not user friendly and difficult for beginner to use, also there is lots of potential to improve the UI.


This is the first Cryptocurrency project that I involved. I am a new beginner of crypto, so I need to do lots of study and reference before I really do the UXUI stuff.
This is a small startup company, there are no experienced in both UXUI and crypto designer can be communicated. It push me to be independent.


After did lots of studies and research, I have the basic concept of deFI and cryptocurrency. I tried to create the user flow, and make sure that is easy to understand, even the user is beginner as me.This is a small startup company, there are no experienced in both UXUI and crypto designer can be communicated. It push me to be independent.
