A brand new phone case customize application

User can create their own avatar, the avatar will adopt in all phone cases. There are lots of themes of cases. I am excited to work on this entertaining project.

My role

I am one of the 2 UI/UX designers in this project.I have been involved in all stages of this project, from design research, create user flow, create high fidelity wireframe, create the layout.

Mood and Tone Reseach

After we have informed the key values and directions, we start to do some research on mood and tone, style, color, and font type etc.

This can let us and the client keep on the same page of the look and feels.

Customer Experience Journey

A good user journey map is important, we spend about half of the time of each sprint to settle down the user journey map in order to find out there are missing any cases. 

Design System

A mature design system can keep the consistence of every single pages. We created the design system during each sprint, keep all the components in a similar style.

The Final Layout

This is the layout design of the phone case customize app. We have go through all the previous step to fillfull and consensus all expectations of every stakeholders and teamates.

01. Avatar Creation
02. Homepage Layout
03. Product Details

challenge and insight

One of the insights is there are many restriction of shopping app, like the country restriction. You need to create a clean flow which can apply in all country restricition cases.
One of the most challenging cases is how to minimize the walkthrough steps. As we want to make a User Centered Design, user will experienced the app introduction and created their own avatar first before landing the homepage.

Want to know more?

Due to the non-disclosure agreement, the details will not show on the website. But I am definitely willing to share more with you, please contact me if you are interested.