Project overview

This project aimed to help clients smoothly transfer their old RESP plans from a legacy platform to a new one while completing the required Know Your Customer (KYC) process. A major challenge was that most users were unaware that their plans had been created on an outdated platform and now needed to be transferred. To address this, I implemented triage questions to confirm users’ status and ensure they were properly guided through the migration process. Additionally, the KYC process sometimes led to changes in risk profiles, which could cause a 30-day delay in completing the transfer. As UX/UI Designer, my role was to simplify the transfer process, clarify communication, and ensure that users understood the need for the transfer.

Challenges & Solutions

Challenge 1: Most users didn’t realize that their RESP plans were created on the old platform and needed to be transferred.

Solution: I added clear messaging and visual cues to explain the platform update, along with triage questions to confirm users’ status and guide them through the transfer process.

Challenge 2: Delays caused by changes in KYC risk profiles could lead to frustration.

Solution: I designed a transparent notification system that explained the delay, provided a 30-day timeline, and sent regular updates to keep users informed throughout the process.

Problem Statement

Many users were unaware that their RESP plans were created on an old platform, leading to confusion and hesitation about transferring to the updated system. This lack of awareness, combined with concerns over the KYC process and potential delays if their risk profile changed, made it essential to design a clear and informative experience that guided users through the necessary steps.

My approach

Results & Impact

The introduction of triage questions and clear communication about the platform update resulted in a smoother transfer experience for users. By addressing the confusion around the need to transfer, the project increased user engagement and transfer completion rates. Despite the potential 30-day delay caused by KYC risk changes, satisfaction improved due to proactive communication and progress tracking.